Keywords: Family connection, joy, abundance, emotional satisfaction, completion, rest at the top of the mountain
It is safe for me to feel satisfied with the beautiful life I have created. I relax into joy and completion.
The Juice: The Ten of Cups is the card of peace, love, and harmony. You have done a lot of work to get here and it’s time to rest and enjoy the fruits of your labor.
Enjoy the meaningful connections you have made, whether they are with blood family, chosen family, friends, or pets. You have a lot to be grateful for and this card is reminding you that things are actually ok. Woohoo!
Often, we reach the completion stage of a goal or project, and rather than celebrating how far we have come, we immediately rush into the next thing. Life is not a series of problems to be fixed. Enjoy the moment.
Make the most of it: Celebrate good times, come on! The best action that you can take when the Ten of Cups pops up into your life is to enjoy the abundance around you. Take a selfie to document this beautiful moment in time. Spend some time with the people you care about most.
The opportunity: Take an inventory of your values and check in with yourself. Are your actions in line? If not, adjust accordingly. If you are experiencing strife in your relationships it might be helpful to take some time to reflect on the type of person you want to be in a relationship.
If you are in a situation that isn’t serving you, remember that you always have a choice. The choices available to you may not be ones that you like, but you are a being who possesses free will. Reach out for support if you feel lost or stuck. Capitalize on the connections you already have.
Dive Deeper:
What is going fantastically well for you right now? What would the version of you from 5 or 10 years ago think about your life?
How can you form connections with others that are even more meaningful? Are you willing to stretch your tolerance for joy and happiness?
What are your most important values? How are you living in alignment with those values? What needs to be adjusted?
Want further insight into how to make the most of the. Ten of Cups energy? Book a private reading here.
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