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Earth Medicine, Money Magic, and a Magnetic New Era with the Queen of Pentacles

Writer's picture: Amanda DeBernardiAmanda DeBernardi

If Taylor Swift gets to categorize her life into eras, then so do I.

You know that person who makes you feel like you are home, no matter where you are?

I’ve always wanted to be that person.

Grounded. Comfortable. Earthy.

The Queen of Pentacles is that archetype. She invites you in with a warm hug. She makes you a cup of tea and makes sure that you’ve eaten. She moves with a natural grace like she has always been here and always will be.

We all need that kind of comfort. It feels so good to be accepted for who you are.

I’m all about Queen of Wands’ passion and fire. I love the Queen of Swords’ intellectual prowess. I am even learning to feel my emotions with less judgment like the Queen of Cups.

The Queen of Pentacles has always been the least relatable queen for me, but in a way that feels aspirational. I want more of her energy. I am learning to welcome her into my life and let her spill into my relationships.

I’ve identified three Queen of Pentacle traits that I am consciously working with right now. To me, the best traits of the Queen of Pentacles are her connection to the Earth, her comfort with money, and her magnetism.

Maybe you are interested in embodying the best parts of the Queen of Pentacles with me, let’s go!

Earth Medicine

The Earth is bountiful.

She provides so much healing that is easily available to us. All we have to do is step outdoors, put our feet on the ground, feel the sunshine, and breathe the fresh air.

Part of my Queen of Pentacles embodiment journey has been to embrace the ups and downs of the seasons. I’ve been getting time outside even in the cold winter months. It’s amazing how grounding freshly fallen snow feels. I let the wind cleanse me.

I am noticing how spring feels like an increase in energy. I feel hopeful and inspired as the weather gradually warms. I am looking forward to everything turning green and blooming.

When spring turns to summer I appreciate the beauty of the sunsets and the opportunity to spend time hiking and camping with my family and my dog. I marvel at the diversity and colorful explosions of wildflowers in the mountains and I appreciate the temporariness of their expression.

Then, as the leaves begin to change and the weather cools down, I surrender to gratitude for all that has been provided. I prepare for the cold and the darkness with reverence instead of dread.

I know it’s all temporary. Everything is cyclical. The Earth provides reminders that I am not supposed to be pushing full steam ahead all the time. There are times to rest and times to shine.

Money Magic

Money has always been a sticky subject for me.

There is a lot of anxiety and judgment around money because it’s tied to my sense of safety, security, and self-worth. Nothing has exposed as many hidden limiting beliefs as my inner work with money.

One thing I love about the Queen of Pentacles archetype is that she is comfortable navigating the material world. She doesn’t shy away from making money or spending money. She recognizes that money is a tool, a mere means of energetic exchange.

As an entrepreneur, I have been forced to confront my money trauma and feelings about how I use and make money. What has become even more clear as I do this work, is that money is only about money on the surface.

Money problems are not solved with money. Money problems are solved by confronting my sense of self-worth, my core values, and my desire to add value to the world around me.

Getting comfortable with money is also about addressing family wounding, societal programming, and looking at gender and race-based privilege. This is big stuff.

In my Queen of Pentacle era, I am getting more aware of my money blocks and working through them one by one. I know that having money doesn’t make me a good person. Not having money has nothing to do with my inherent value.


The Queen of Pentacle doesn’t chase. She attracts.

This is a new outfit for me. I have spent the majority of my adult life hustling. I was a single mom who worked her way through college and earned a bachelor’s degree. I was determined to make a life for myself and my baby and I was willing to work as hard as necessary.

I set my eyes on a prize and I would do whatever it took to get to my goal. The problem was, I ended up burned out and exhausted. I had nothing left to give to the people I love the most. That is definitely not Queen of Pentacles vibes.

I decided it was time to start taking care of myself. I started saying no to working myself to the bone to meet the expectations of a patriarchial and capitalist society. What I found was my life started to flow. I began to attract new opportunities and things started to fall into place effortlessly.

That is what the magnetism of the Queen of Pentacles feels like. She lives in tune with nature, she know that her needs will be met, and she attracts what she wants. She allows life to flow through her instead of forcing things to happen.

This way feels so good, and I am going to continue to practice being magnetic. I’m filling my cup and letting my goodwill and peaceful energy flow to those around me.

The Queen of Pentacles Era

If Taylor Swift gets to categorize her life into eras, then so do I.

I’m loving the Queen of Pentacles Era. I am looking forward to radiating my loving comfort all over anyone who gets too close to me.

I’m building an intimate relationship with the Earth and getting to know her on a deep level.

I’m getting good with money because getting good with money is an act of self-care.

I’m letting the things I desire to find me by living a joyful life.

I AM the friend who welcomes you in and makes you a cup of tea and makes sure that you’ve eaten.

So come on over! Do you want Camomile or Earl Gray?



Want further insight into how to make the most of the Queen of Pentacles energy? Book a private reading here.

You can support my work and my coffee habit here.

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